The summer of 2022 was a good year for the Highlands Ranch Hot Rodders. We had many events and I'll touch on each one of them in this blog.
Lets start with our weekly event of going to the Highlands Ranch Freddy's located at 900 Sergeant Jon Stiles Dr, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129. Ron Latine was there almost every Friday to meet and greet members as well as to talk to anybody that has questions on the car club. If Ron wasn't there it was because it was either raining or snowing.
Here's a few videos of the guys leaving Freddy's. No burnouts!
Tom and Tami Accardi - 1999 C5 Corvette
Anthony Galletta - 2002 Pontiac Trans Am
Paul Cattich - 1971 Cuda Convertible
4th Saturday Cruise
4th Saturday of the month Highlands Ranch Cruise & Show and Shine held at Highlands Ranch Kaiser Permanente. It was hit and miss for the Saturday Cruises weather wise sometimes we had lots of cars and other Saturdays the crowd was a little slim. Starting in June and ending in September we put the cruises on Rain or Shine. Its always fun to take your Hot Rod out for a cruise with other Hot Rods. To make it even more fun, if you attend a lot of our functions, you get to know the Hot Rod owners.
Club Outings
Many thanks to Rod Newberry for arranging the club outings this year. There were 4 private club events this year allowing members to meet and learn more about each other. All the members own cars and enjoy the the club comradery that's why they are members of the Highlands Ranch Hot Rodders!
March 5th Breckenridge brewery - Tour of the brewery and Lunch
April 16th Adams Detailing Tour - Tour of the Adams facility as well as Lunch at Cinzettis Italian restaurant, 8 attended
June 4th Cussler Museum Tour 24 attended and went to for lunch at Rib City Grill afterwards
July 4th Wood's 4th of July open house 62 attended Burritos for everybody!
The Highlands Ranch Hot Rodders enjoyed a tour of the Woods's "Diner Town" and "Saloon Town" decorated with many collectables and memorabilia. The club would like to extend many thanks to Diana and Woody for opening their car condos for the event. Club members enjoyed Breakfast Burritos from Casa Caliente on the club.
July 4th Highlands Ranch Parade was also held on the 4th, Downing Events sponsor the parade each year. We had good attendance with 22 Members Cars attending.
July 16th Titan Car Condos Summer Picnic
This was a HRHR club event held at Mark Allen's house.
The event was catered by Hickory House BBQ.
Not too many Hot Rods showed up as it was a rainy day. A few brave ones brought their cars but many just brought their daily drivers. A total of 57 people attended Picnic.
Carol Lovelace - 68 Camaro
Part of Mark Allen's collection 67 Mustang "Elenore", 69 Mach 1 and others
Ed Varela - 40 Chevy
Mark's latest purchase
I was talking to Mark Allen recently, the materials to build the car condos has arrived and they have broke ground on the project. If you are interested in a car condo please be sure to reach out to Mark Allen 303-349-8738 or

Car Shows
July 24th: Bank of Colorado Car Show
Fund raiser for Vets at American Legion Post 1260 donations raised $1236.00
53 donated 65-70 cars attended
Raffled Adams Polishes - Ceramic Coating Kit & Essentials Wash Kit
The bank also gave away and Adams Essentials Wash Kit
The attendance was lower than expected as rain was forecasted for early afternoon. The HRHR board was there as well as many volunteers
July 30th Gateway Classics Cars - HRHR Club of the month
20 Cars attended
$200 Donated to the club by Gateway for attending the show.
There was 150 cars that attended including the 20 HRHR club member cars.
Gateway $200 check being presented the club to donate to the Vets
Joe Magoffin - 68 Pontiac Catalina
Angy Weeks - 2017 C7 Corvette
Ron Weeks - Ford Pickup
August 6th Cornerstone Church Diaper Drive
Fund Raiser for Rocky Mountain Diaper Depot - we collected 13,844 Diapers.
5 Trophies for HRHR board choice of best in show.
Below are some random picture of cars that I though we interesting at the car show.
Porsche that won the contest for how many diapers you can put in a car
Corvette that came in second place for the contest
Line of members cars
More cars at the Cornerstone Car Show
39 Registered enter their car for the Trophies - Winners were picked by Dean and Ron.
more than 80 attended the show
Angy and crew leaving the car show.
August 13th Vehicle Vault - HRHR Club of the month
If you were a member you were able to tour the Vehicle Vault or free on the club.
16 members Cars attended
We had some fun at the Vehicle Vault see the left picture; Rod Newberry was trying to decide what tire dressing looked and worked the best on his car. Adams Polishes were generous and donated three of their tire dressing. Rod's Corvette was used for the demo as each tire had a different dressing, the fourth was Rod's go to dressing. Many people came by to look at the different sheens of dressing on Rods tire. They all had their own opinions on which look the best, flat, shiny and satin. Rod's choice was the Adams Graphene Tire Dressing as it was the Satin finish and looked the best on his car and was dry to the touch.
Very nice late 50s custom Chevy pickup
Zach Conrad's 's LSs 64 GTO
Mark Allen's Lamborghini along side of another Lambo
A nice Flathead powered Ford pickup leaving the show.
September 11th: Max Taps and Taste of Philly car show
Fund raiser for Vets at American Legion Post 1260 Collected $1500
72 Registered cars (Including 23 club members)
Very nice old school Custom 58 Chevy
40 Ford Hemi powered Don Garlits replica car (Don Garlits built many of the 40 Fords with 57 Dodge Hemi's in them.
Cool Model A Sedan Rat Rod. This car had all new running gear in it and you never would have known it. Very cool.
67 Custom Mustang - Interesting as this car won Best of show two weeks later at the HRHR Cool colors of Autumn Car Show.
Taste of Philly donated a free Cheesesteak Sandwich and Max Taps donated a Beer for all that donated to the Vets.
This car show was originally planned for May 22nd and was postponed to September 11th because of a large spring snow storm the weekend of May 22nd.
September 25th 18th Annual - Cool Colors of Autumn Charity Car Show
Fund raiser for Vets at American Legion Post 1260 $2886.00.
Held at Kaiser Permanente
147 Registered and donated to the Vets.
Trophies to be presented 1 for the Best of Show and Best Engineered decide by the Board. 10 Trophies were given out for top 10 cars picked people that voted.
The winner was a freshly built custom 67 Mustang Fastback owned by Glen Cobb
Dean Kuhloie's 46 Ford in a line of Hot Rods
Line of late 20s and early 30s Hot Rods
The club raffled off some Adams products and Christian Brothers donated 3 oil changes . There was also a 50/50 drawing all proceeds went to the Vets.
December 10th Christmas Party
As a reminder the HRHR private club Christmas party will be held December 10th please mark you calendar and stay tuned for details.
Summer Summary
I hope you have enjoyed my Blog and I hope it has stirred up a few of your memories of the summer gone by. The Highland Ranch Hot Rodders is a great car club to belong to. We have lots of club activities and enjoy each others company and the variety of Hot Rods.
Enjoy your Hot Rod and drive safe.